Lily Liu Physiotherapist/ Pilates Instructor

Are you looking for an experienced physiotherapist who listens to you and will provide you with a personalised treatment plan?

Lily will provide you with an individualised, hands-on and caring approach to manage your injury, no matter what musculoskeletal or sport-related injury you have!

Since graduating from La Trobe University in 2008, Lily has been practising as a physiotherapist and certified Pilates instructor in private practices around the eastern suburbs of Melbourne.

You can claim your consultation fee from your Private Health Insurance immediately with our HICAPS machine.

You can find Lily at her new clinic:

Foundation Health 390 Burke Road Camberwell.

Conveniently situated towards the corner of Toorak Road, there is plenty of off-street parking (please be aware of parking restrictions).

Public Transport Tram # 72. Stop # 54.

Every body deserves to be healthy and strong

Get in touch with Lily on 1800 71 74 78. Alternatively email [email protected] for bookings.